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I Am a Graphic Designer in Spanish

Mihail's Career Story from Entry Level Agent to Graphic Designer

  • 10 August 2021
  • 5 minutes read
  • Career Stories

"Nothing is impossible for true believers."

A winding career path can lead you to your dream destination. But don't just count on words, read on and learn it from the real-life career changer. In this article, we look at the exceptional career path of Mihail Suciu who joined our company as a Customer Service Agent and today is a Graphic Designer Lead, creating design for Majorel across different external and internal channels.

Mihail's career story

  1. What was your path to Majorel?

I was looking for a temporary job to refresh myself from the burnout I had from my previous job. A friend of mine working at Majorel recommended to apply. From him, I found out a lot  about the company and the opportunities it offered to employees. I applied for a Customer Service Agent position, for one of the high-tech clients in Brasov, Romania and my journey started from there. Looking back, I can definitely say it was the best decision I have ever made in my life.

  1. Could you imagine that Graphic Design would become your job at Majorel?

I did have experience and skills in Graphic Design before joining Majorel but I improved them significantly while preparing myself for my current position. When I got hired as an Agent, I thought of the perspective of joining the Marketing team one day, though it was just wishful thinking. For 9 months, I was delivering excellent job as a Customer Service Agent and always tried to show off my Graphic Designer skills, if given a possibility. So, when this opportunity came to the picture, I simply took it. My story and where I am now make me believe that hard work, enthusiasm and vision combined with the right support do pay off.

  1. What has your first job taught you? How do you use the lessons learned in your current position?

I can say that the best part of working at Majorel was actually the first few months when I learned a lot about the industry, company and our teams. I got to know the company culture and met colleagues from different countries and cultures who have become good friends of mine later on. This was also the period when I improved my soft skills that are vital for my current position. I've mastered skills such as time-management, communication, and multi-tasking. These skills are vital regardless of the position. But the most important, I've learned how to always think and act different, how to stand out from the mediocre and strive to drive the change.

  1. What are your current responsibilities as a Graphic Designer Lead?

Design is everything from the physical to the digital and everywhere in between. So, on this position, I create and implement a variety of design concepts. Starting with internal initiatives for our clients, moving on to events and activities communication, visual branding, and digital communication: basically, everything that you can imagine that needs a design. I also coordinate my amazing design team, providing them with creative directions and support when needed.

  1. What do you enjoy the most in your current job?

For a Graphic Designer, finding a source of inspiration in a corporate environment might seem a bit of a challenge; however, that's exactly what I find the most interesting in my job. Every day I find something new and unique to do. I never got bored a day. Majorel is a company which empowers individuals and encourages autonomy, so there is always a room for bringing new ideas and concepts to life. My job allows me to be creative and innovative. It is both inspiring and exciting, yet at times, can be challenging and demanding. What I love about working at Majorel in general is that everyone does their part and at the end, we all work for the same goal as #OneTeam.

  1. What will be your advice for young people at the start of  their careers?

Ever seen a job and thought 'wow, how did they get into this!'? Finding the right job that you'll love is the key to happiness. Follow your passions, be bold and creative, but also responsible. Take the charge, come up with ideas and try to always improve yourself and the way you perform.  If you fail, don't just give up, but try again. With each new attempt, you become one step closer to your ideal self and/or career. Believe in yourself. Believe in your strengths. And no matter where you are now, just keep in mind that nothing is impossible for true believers.

  1. What is one project that you're most proud of?

B esides this webpage on which you're reading this article now, I did design for many of the logos that we use at Majorel both internally and externally. You can check out my other artworks across Majorel's social media channels or connect with me on LinkedIn.

Mihail's design

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I Am a Graphic Designer in Spanish
